Human Morality and the Law Dissertation Example

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Free Human Morality and the Law Dissertation Example

Personal Reflection on Human Morality and the LawStudent’s Name Institutional Affiliation Abstract Many scholars argue that morality and the law are different and separate entities. The argument is validated through the claim that both morality and the law entirely depend on personal contributions for them to work hand in hand. The laws are just creations of men, while the issue of morality emanates from in within an individual, and it is developed over a long time based on the interactions with the environment and other human beings. Thus, it is not possible for an individual to state that following all laws makes him or her be moral. Many people follow the laws which favor them, and thus, this does not also contribute in any way to morality. In the case of children, the law may state that it is an offense for any parent to administer punishment to the child. However, it is apparent that if the parent beats the child, the action is a correctional measure; thus, the parent does not cease to be moral. Therefore, human beings are rational beings, and will only operate in circumstances which ensure they maximize their opportunities and their satisfaction. Personal Reflection on Human Morality and the Law Morality is an important aspect in the life of an individual. In most cases, the morality of an individual is defined by a combination of various factors, such as the ability to respect the set laws within the society and the state, as well as the ability to relate well with the other members of the society. However, following all laws, and morality are different things, because, human beings are rational beings, aiming at satisfying their needs and demands while maximizing their chances for a better life. The law on the other side is set to limit the humans on persuading some of the selfish agendas, and thus, man and the law are usually under constant conflict and struggle. However, the question of whether following all laws will make an individual morally u...
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