Identification and Evaluation of Sources Environmental pollution Dissertation Example

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Free Identification and Evaluation of Sources Environmental pollution Dissertation Example

Student’s Name Instructor’s Name Course Number Date ESS Internal Assessment Identification and Evaluation of Sources Environmental pollution occurs in many facets. Water and air are two components that a human being depends on for survival. Pollution of these components leads to adverse effects on human health. Air pollution causes respiratory diseases related to indoor air pollution and vector-borne diseases while water pollution causes infectious diseases that are related to poor sanitation, food hygiene, and drinking untreated water. Unfortunately, these two problems are closely related. They mostly result from one cause and affect the same areas. Air pollutants make their way into the rivers and streams; some fall from the sky in the form of dry particles while others find their way into the ground through snowflakes and raindrops. Sometimes, an attempt to eliminate water pollution has resulted in discharging of waste into the atmosphere, and the reverse has also been true. That has been a challenging dilemma for companies for decades. The effects of air pollution on the quality of water has become a topic of environmental research leading to the following question; can the effect of air pollution be measured or evaluated with water pollution measurements? The first source to evaluate will be McCabe et al.'s works in the book Sewage and Industrial Wastes under the topic Interrelationship of Air Pollution and Water Pollution. The book was published in 1952 by the Water Environment Federation. This study is important since the publishers are professionals in water quality around the world. The main objective of the federation is to protect the public health as well as the environment. Hence, they are unlikely to present biased information. Also, they have a wide knowledge of the factors that affect water quality and, therefore, give a good background of answering our question. The book traces the population increase and the increase in the industrial ...
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