MEMORANDUM Dissertation Example

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Free MEMORANDUM Dissertation Example

MEMORANDUM TO: Communication Department FROM: Director of Human Resources DATE: February 27, 2018 SUBJECT: A Seminar on Written Communication Skills There have been a lot of complaints from different managers concerning the quality of the written communication among our members. The structure of some of the emails and letters is evidence enough of the growing concern from the recipients. It is a serious issue, but one that we can rectify together. Some of you have either forgotten or do not know at all, the crucial areas that should be considered while composing an email or a letter. It is for this reason that a seminar has been arranged to help each one of the members. The seminar will be held in the Hall on March 5, 2018, at 2 p.m. Keep in mind that this will not be a ‘classroom session' as many of you might think. It will be a free and mature session, and everyone will be allowed to ask any questions. Attendance to the seminar will not be compulsory, but it is recommended that all the members of staff attend. Honoring this request will help you gain more knowledge and skills concerning written communication, which will in turn improve the quality of services in the company (Kleckner & Marshall, 2014). Every member of the Communication Department is free to attend the seminar. The seminar will cover all the necessary communication skills that a professional should have. The structure and other essential factors concerning written communications such as memos, letters, emails, and formal business reports will also be covered. The session will take a maximum of two hours which will be recorded as compensation time. A projector will be used for illustration purpose. If there is any other issue that you would like to be covered, kindly let me know so that it can be included in the program. I look forward to meeting you at the seminar. Reference Kleckner, M. J., & Marshall, C. R. (2014). Critical Communication Skills: Developing Course Competenc...
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