The lived experiences of people with SCD and acquiring health care Dissertation Example

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Free The lived experiences of people with SCD and acquiring health care Dissertation Example

ANNOTATED BIBLIOGRAPHIES AND A CRITIQUE OF THE HBM MODEL IN UNDERSTANDING OR MANAGING SCD-AFFECTED PATIENTS Name of the Student Professor’s Name SECTION 1 (ANNOTATED BIBLIOGRAPHIES) Annotated Bibliographies ANNOTATED BIBLIOGRAPHY 1 FULL BIBLIOGRAPHIC DETAILS Adegbola, M., Opollo, J., Barnes, D., & McCarthy, A. (2012).Voices of Adults Living with Sickle Cell Disease Pain. Journal of National Black Nurses' Association, 23(2), 16-23 A SUMMARY OF THE RESEARCH METHOD AND ITS FINDINGS The authors conducted a qualitative study to explore the lived experiences of adults who presented with sickle cell disease related pain (SCD). The authors investigated the research question by conducting qualitative and phenomenological approach. Purposive sampling was undertaken to select the study participants (n=13). All study participants for the referred study belonged to the African-American ethnicity. The purposive sampling was conducted on a national SCD support group. The respective study participants received regular healthcare interventions for overcoming their complications of SCD. A semi-structured interview was undertaken with each study participant to understand their lived experiences with the SCD-related pain and the effectiveness of pain management strategies for alleviating such pain. Four major themes emerged from the subjective responses of the study participants: individualistic description of the pain experience, the pain scales that are used to assess pain are ineffective, need for effective pain management, and need for relationship management. The authors concluded that healthcare professionals should undertake person-centric approach in understanding the complications of SCD-related pain on the life of a patient. Moreover, the authors contended that healthcare professionals should comprehensively assess and manage SCD-related pain in concerned stakeholders. A CRITICAL ASSESSMENT OF THE ARTICLE The research question was well framed and speci...
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